Casino Gambling Tricks To Win More Money

Some people aren’t cut out perform poker or pontoon. Both games put a modest amount of pressure you to be intelligent about which decisions you make. For…

7 Ways to Deal With Climate Despair

Forget climate anxiety: many people are in flat-out climate despair. About two-thirds of Americans (65%) report being worried about global warming, according to a January report from…

COP26 Ends With Nobody Really Happy

Six years ago, when the hammer was gaveled and the Paris Agreement agreed upon, the negotiators gathered at the massive conference complex on the outskirts of Paris…

Why John Fetterman Needs Closed Captioning Technology After His Stroke

Five months after the Democratic nominee in one of the nation’s most competitive Senate races suffered a stroke, there’s still a lot to learn about his recovery….

‘A Climate Emergency Unfolding Before Our Eyes.’ Arctic Sea Ice Has Shrunk to Almost Historic Levels

From the bridge of the Arctic Sunrise, an old ice-breaking fishing trawler turned research vessel now plying the polar waters between Greenland and northern Norway, Laura Meller…

Where You Can Still Buy Real Solar Eclipse Glasses

Anyone who waited just a little too long to buy their eclipse glasses is now likely finding that many places are sold out. But don’t give up…